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The Garden Statesmen
a cappella chorus
The Garden Statesmen
Central Jersey's Premier Men's Acapella Chorus
Singing the National Anthem at the Trenton Thunder Game
Sharing Love with a Garden Statesmen Singing Valentines
What Our Audience Says
Roger and Joanne Sternber
Just a quick note to tell you how much Joanne and I enjoyed the Statesman's concert last night. The variety of songs was great, the patter between the songs humorous, and, of course, the sound was terrific.
Liz Schaus-Guzzo
You gentlemen were a big hit! People were still telling me today how much they enjoyed the show. I loved the songs, the harmonies, the jokes, audience participation and especially the brain teasers. You guys certainly know your audience!
Vincent Colarusso
Last night's performance was such a delight. It's a great group of talented guys committed to excellence. What shined through the most is how much each member enjoyed themselves. You did a wonderful job introducing the group. Mark's interaction with the audience was a bonus and certainly made it a more fun event. Please convey the thanks of the RRV Men's Club Board to your fellow Princeton Garden Statesmen, especially for coming out despite the dreary weather.
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